Infrastructure Engineering
Our roads, sewers, water distribution systems, utility and communication networks, form an underlying framework that connects our communities.
We provide engineering and management services that support the creation of new municipal infrastructure and the rehabilitation of out-dated systems. We work with local and regional municipalities, provincial authorities, as well as other regulatory agencies in order to promote responsible urban growth.
In the context of Infrastructure Engineering, we offer the following primary services:
Advisory Services
Class Environmental Assessments
Water Resources Engineering Services
Sewer Capacity Analyses
Water Distribution Analyses
Watershed Studies and Floodplain Mapping
Gravity Sewer Collection Systems Design
Forcemain Sewer System Design
Water Supply Distribution Systems Design
Roadway Design / Road Widening Design
Traffic Management and Traffic Control Design
Public Amenities Detailed Design
Infrastructure Decommissioning Design
Quantity and Construction Cost Estimates
Securing of Permits and Approvals
Tendering and Contract Administration
Construction Inspection and Certification