Subdivision Engineering
Engineering new, self-sufficient communities is the essence of land development on the scale of subdivisions.
We help create new neighbourhoods comprised of housing, businesses, institutional and recreational areas for our growing population. We have the experience and resources to handle all municipal engineering requirements related to subdivision construction, from project inception into the operational stage, including post-construction services.
In the context of Subdivision Engineering, we offer the following primary services:
Advisory Services
Due Diligence Investigations
Preliminary Engineering and Feasibility Studies
Master Environmental Servicing Plans
Functional Servicing Plans and Reports (FSR)
Preparation of Detailed Engineering Design and Drawings
Stormwater Management Pond and Wetland Design
Watershed Studies
Floodplain Mapping
Water Balance Studies and Analyses
Sustainable / Low Impact Development (LID) Design
Quantity and Construction Cost Estimates
Development Charge Credit Management
Earthworks Analyses
Securing of Engineering Approvals
Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) Hearings
Tendering and Contract Administration
Construction Inspection and Certification
Grading Certification Services
Maintenance Period Services
Subdivision Assumption Services
Project Management
AutoTurn Swept Path Analysis
Public Communication Plans
Construction Management Plans
Traffic Control Systems Design